Lon Po Po by Ed Young

There was a woman that lived alone with three children. On their grandmother's birthday, their mother left and left the children home alone. She told them to be good children and lock the door at night. Wolf saw the mother leave and disguised himself as an old woman. He was pretending to be the children's grandmother. The wolf tries his best to get into the house and the children finally let him in. The oldest child realizes that the wolf is lying when she lights the lamp and sees the wolf's face before he blows out the light. The oldest child offers the wolf ginko nuts. She tells the wolf how tender the nuts are and makes wolf want some right away. All three children climb the ginko tree and threw a basket down to wolf so he could climb in. The children pull wolf halfway and drop him to the ground. They repeat this three times and on the third time, wolf dies. Finally their mother returns home and the children tell her about the wolf coming to their house.
Teachers can use this book to teach fables and folktales in their classrooms. Children would learn morals from this book such as "do not talk to strangers" and "do not let strangers in your house". This book would get the attention of students because of all of the vivid pictures that are in the book. This book is from the Chinese culture and students would learn a little more about it from reading this book.